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What Should I Ask My Periodontist?

June 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 12:48 pm
A woman holding her lip up to reveal her teeth and gums.

If you’re considering seeing a periodontist to treat your periodontal (gum) disease, it’s normal to be a little apprehensive or feel overwhelmed. After all, many people don’t really understand what a periodontist does.

A periodontist is a specialized dentist who has received three additional years of training to treat the gums and jawbone, so you can rest assured that if you’ve been referred to one, you’re in capable hands. Still, to make the most of your upcoming appointment, you may have some important questions to ask that will help give you a better understanding of your oral health.

Here are a few suggestions to open a dialogue about how you can protect your teeth, gums, and jawbone from periodontal disease.
