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Should You Brush or Floss First? A Periodontist Discusses

January 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 6:26 pm
toothbrushes and floss

You know that both brushing and flossing are keys to maintaining a clean, healthy mouth. Both habits help to remove plaque from teeth and stop harmful bacteria from leading to gum disease and other serious problems. But have you ever wondered whether you should brush or floss first when you’re going through your daily routine? A periodontist in Frisco is here to discuss the results of a study, published in the Journal of Periodontology, that set out to examine this issue. You might just decide to switch up your daily oral hygiene routine!


How to Handle Gum Recession with a Periodontist in Frisco

January 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 10:56 pm

An older man covering his mouth.Do you notice your teeth feeling more sensitive than usual? When you smile, are you able to see more of your tooth than you could before? Millions of people suffer from periodontal disease in the United States, so if you experience these symptoms, you are not alone. If these signs resonate with you, a periodontist in Frisco may have the solution you need to treat your condition and get your smile back to normal.

Just like gum disease, gum recession is an issue that affects many people every day. Learn the causes and the process for treatment today!

